Cyberstalking, Online Grooming and Sexting

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Cyberstalking, cybergilding and sexting are words used to describe an internet user that engages in inappropriate online contact with another person or group of people. In the past, cyberstalking was defined as a form of harassment; however, this is no longer the case. Internet users are now using the term cyberstalking and cybergilding to describe their behaviors in the virtual world.

Exposure to inappropriate and illegal content. The internet provides many ways for individuals to engage in cyberstalking activities including:

Threatening or harassing phone calls, emails, messages, or “phishing” attempts. Exposure to sensitive information including personal, financial and business information.

Cyber-abandonment of a computer, emails, and chat rooms that allow anonymous communication between internet users. Use of computers and other internet technology for cyberharassment purposes.

Sexual enticement, which includes verbal, physical, and/or sexual advances. Engaging in sexual harassment via a computer, email or chatroom

Internet access without proper authorization. These activities are usually associated with websites that offer adult-oriented web content. Cyberstalking and cybergilding may also involve accessing websites that contain sexually explicit material. Cyberharassment involves a wide range of behavior that includes stalking, bullying, and online harassment, which includes inappropriate contacts, threatening communications, and abusive behavior such as sexually suggestive language, harassment via email, phone, and chatroom.

Internet bullying, which can include: maliciously posting private information about another person to embarrass or intimidate them; posting offensive messages on another person’s behalf; deliberately spreading false rumors, gossip, and rumors through email or other internet mediums about another person’s private life; using a third party service to send harassing messages or e-mails. in an attempt to intimidate a person or to avoid another person. Online bullying is also known as cyber stalking and cyber-aggression. cyber-harassment that is done in an attempt to intimidate another person or in some way.

Sexual harassment, which includes: sending inappropriate or sexually suggestive messages to another person, or to a romantic relationship; sending suggestive pictures or videos through email or by using internet chat rooms; sending pornographic content to someone or making explicit comments about someone’s sexual orientation. The intent to commit a sexual offense or criminal activity with another person online. Using another person’s private information in order to manipulate another person’s emotions, thoughts, decision making, or actions.

Physical stalking, which includes: stalking a person who you know and have intimate knowledge about, without his or her consent, physically such as sitting next to the victim when they’re driving or standing near the victim while they’re at work or at home; stalking a person by calling repeatedly, or leaving anonymous, threatening letters or other notices on their doorsteps or other public places. Physical stalking may also include a persistent message left by a person that is meant to embarrass or intimidate another person by posting it in their mailbox or on social networking sites. that is meant to embarrass the victim’s friends or family members. that is intended to scare or harass the victim or cause them to be afraid.

Cyberharassing phone calls, texts, or emails from a number that you don’t recognize. or that you have no connection with. If you receive harassing phone calls or messages on your cell phone or internet account that you do not recognize, you can trace it using an online reverse lookup or by looking up a telephone number.

Online grooming, which consists of sexually suggestive chat sessions or messages on an internet website or other medium. Sometimes a user might engage in online chatting that would seem to be innocent but which would lead to actual physical or sexual contact. Online grooming is often done to make the user appear as more desirable than others on social media sites, and also for the purpose of communicating with another person in an anonymous capacity.

Sexting is sexual contact with an email or instant messaging system that is intended to be private. The intention of sexting is for personal use only and it does not involve an offline encounter. However, there may be online images or text sent between the parties involved, and sometimes these images are sent through email.

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